Abdominoplasty is the queen procedure to regain a flat, slender, waistline abdomen with a beautiful navel. The solution to the leftover skin, which will not disappear with exercise or diet, or in any other way than its surgical removal. If you have stretch marks and scars, fill in the reasons.
All these aspects are accentuated by the making of an abdominal corset with your own fabrics that flattens the abdominal wall 100% and defines the waist.
With a completely symmetrical scar, as short and low as possible.
Abdominoplasty is the most complete procedure to improve all aspects of the abdomen. It achieves 8 main objectives at the structural level, improving layer by layer:
- Skin. Eliminates the extra flaccid skin located between the navel and the pubis, in such a way that in that piece all or most of the stretch marks, scars from previous surgeries and tattoos are removed.
- Fat. Eliminate excess fat at the abdominal level by sculpting a defined abdomen with a muscular appearance (High Definition).
- Muscle Wall. It flattens the muscle wall and defines the waist through a procedure called Plication, where a corset or girdle is built with the tissues themselves, achieving the same effect (or greater) than that of an external compression garment. Usually I achieve decreases of between 6 to 10 inches at the waist level.
- High Definition. Abdominal relief defined by the direct carving of the fat on the back of the skin. The artistic touch.
- Belly button. New natural looking navel at the bottom of an anatomical slope that gives it a more sensual look.
- Flaccidity. Smoothing of the skin of the abdomen, hip, groin and public region.
- Stretch marks / Scars. Eliminate the sequelae of pregnancy and previous surgeries.
- Resulting scar. I design the lowest possible scar, totally symmetrical, in harmony with the body reliefs that allow the smallest intimate clothes.